STULZ worldwide


This website is hosted by Stulz Asia Hub Pte. Ltd. (UEN No. 202238428M).
150 Kampong Ampat
#05-04 KA Centre
Singapore 368324
Directors with authorization to represent the company:
Tobias Focke, Patric Lee

Use of the website

Any use of these web pages ("Stulz website" or "our website"), provided by Stulz Asia Hub Pte. Ltd. (“we"), is subject to the following prerequisites and recognizes the regulations and Terms of use described below.

Disclaimer regarding content

Our web pages have been created with the utmost care. However, we neither guarantee nor represent that the information provided herein is correct, complete or up to date. Accordingly, we do not accept any liability for the information provided on our website, save where it is proved that such information has been provided fraudulently and/or for fraudulent purposes. By using our website, the user agrees that he exercises and/or will exercise independent thought in making all decisions in relation to the content on our website (including decisions to purchase our products advertised herein), and does not rely on the information contained on our website in making such decisions. Section V of the Terms of use also applies here.


Disclaimer regarding links

We regularly inspect the content on our website, and maintain reasonable security procedures to safeguard our users’ information and access in accordance with the applicable regulations and legislations, including Singapore’s Personal Data Protection Act 2012 and the Malaysian Personal Data Protection Act 2010. However, where the use of information technology is prevalent worldwide, the user agrees that it is reasonable that we cannot, and do not accept any liability and/or responsibility for links to external websites provided by third parties, nor for the content on these third party websites. Linked pages and their content are the sole responsibility and liability of their respective operators and providers. By accessing links to external websites, the user accordingly accepts any and all attendant risks that may accompany his/her access.


Copyright and ancillary copyright

The content of our web pages is subject to Singapore and Malaysian copyright and ancillary copyright law (as may be applicable). The copyright owner or rightsholder retains all rights of exploitation of any kind. Unless any statements are made to the contrary, all protectable content (images, texts, files, etc.) is the copyright of Stulz Asia Hub, Pte Ltd, Stulz Singapore Pte Ltd, Stulz Malaysia Sdn Bhd, Stulz GmbH or any other affiliated company and may not be used without our written consent.